For so many people, Christianity is about a long list of dos and don’ts, most of which are pretty impossible to abide by. I used to think this way too. I thought religion was so enslaving instead of freeing. So oppressive instead of liberating, but I had the wrong idea.
Religion can definitely be a lot, but only when you have the wrong idea. See that long list of dos and don’ts is what we call legalism. And that, that is not fun. It’s like authoritarian parenting—a lot of rules with little to no love. But that’s not what God is like. He is about a personal relationship, not religion.
He wants the heart before the sacrifice. The brokenness before the masked version that pretends to have it all together. He wants your time before the tithes and talents. He wants genuine, laid-down lovers. So, my challenge for you is to dare to be a friend of God.
You may ask though, but what’s with all the rules? After all, Jesus says, “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them” (Mt 5:17). Well, this is actually a very prophetic and beautiful truth, but more on that later.
But yes, the law. The Law is still to be observed, but here’s the thing. When you befriend God, He changes your heart. Suddenly, you yourself want to follow the Law because you want to honor the One you love. You don’t suffer through observing the Law. You want to do it because it is what love does. It changes our hearts and desires. It leads to self-surrender all for the One we love. So, yes, the Law, you’ll definitely end up observing it, but it won’t be legalistic anymore. It will be out of love and reverence because God's holiness, well, it does a number on you.
So, do you want to “taste and see that the Lord is good” (Ps 34:8a)? If you so desire, here goes my challenge: dare to befriend God! There's nothing better than experiencing God, and if you don't believe me–in fact, don't take my word for it–just taste and see for yourself!