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Writer's pictureGrace I.

Doing life

This is the final piece in the (unofficial) Rest series, focusing on our relationship with God. Resting in God and recognizing our identity as His children are why we rest. Our Father holds the world together, allowing us to cease striving. Also, He, the maker of all, rested and declared rest holy (Gen 2:3). But now, let's talk about our Father-son/daughter relationship. 

Some people are not warmed by the idea of God as a Father due to past trauma. Sometimes, our earthly parents abandon, abuse, or neglect us. If that’s your experience, I’m truly sorry you've had to endure or are enduring that. But give me two minutes to tell you about God, the Good Father, who can and wants to heal your trauma.

Our fathers, even on their best day, are nothing like God. Parental love is one of the strongest, most sacrificial love but still doesn't compare to the love God loves His children because God is love. It doesn't get any better than being loved by Love Himself.

So if your father disappointed you, I'm sorry, but listen: God is nothing like your father. He is kind, patient, and not irritable or resentful. He is the Father who stays. And if your father is the best, great! But still: God is better. Take all the grace, love, and sacrifice your father has shown you and multiply by infinity. Your mind can't fathom that amount, but your soul can experience it when you let God love you.

So how do we love and let God love us? It's simple. How does a child have a relationship with their father? They spend time together. They talk. Laugh together. Cry together. Sit together. They do life together. That's what God desires with us.

If you grew up with siblings, you know this: sometimes, you'd want to play with them, when they didn't want to. Sometimes, they'd plainly say, "I don't want to play." Other times, they'd say yes but dread playing with you. At times, our prayer lives feel like this, like God is indifferent to our pursuit of Him, but listen: God loves our company.

God always says yes when we approach Him, and it's always a resounding, joyful yes (Prov 8:17). And you don't have to worry about what you'll say. It's okay if you're no theological expert. God's not expecting a PowerPoint presentation on the implications of who knows what. He just wants to be with you. It's mind-blowing, right?

Being wanted is one of the strongest human drives. I mean, the things we'll do just to feel/be wanted. Yet God offers His embrace willingly. In Revelation 3:20, Jesus is like, 'I'm at your door. If you let Me in, I'll come and eat with you.' What do we do when we eat with our loved ones? Eat, of course, but also enjoy each other's company.

That's what God wants too. He wants us to share with Him our highlights and lowlights; everything is fair game. He wants to listen and be listened to. Walls to come down because we are loved by a safe, unfailing love. So, it all comes down to this: do life together with the Father. If you like a checklist, here's one:

  1. Make space and time to be with your Father.

  2. Talk to Him. Remember, everything is fair game.

  3. Listen to Him. By listen, I mean, "to take notice of and act on what someone says."

That's it! A very short list of things that will change our lives. You know why? Because we are deeply (trans)formed by who we do life with; that is, who we love and are loved by.


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