I am most certainly Done.
For a very long time, I’ve lived in hell,
Put my life on hold
So that I wouldn’t make you feel insecure
But now I’m realizing that
You’ll always feel so no matter what I do.
I’ve suppressed my thoughts
So that you wouldn’t feel like a target.
I’ve watched what I wanted disappear in my eyes
So that you wouldn’t feel betrayed.
But now, I’m the one feeling betrayed.
How could I do this to myself?
So, I’m done.
And don’t get me wrong.
I’m not judging you.
Never have and never will 'cause I know firsthand
How tough dealing with one’s own insecurities can be.
But no matter how tough,
You don’t take it out on others.
So, face those insecurities.
Face them knowing that you’re so strong
But not always self-sufficient.
That is why asking for help isn’t weak.
So, I’ll always be here if you need me.
But until then, do what you gotta do.
Fight on. Fighter.
We are strong, we can face our insecurities. And we can help each other without holding each other back.❤