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Writer's pictureGrace I.

Fair and square

I’ve been loved for many reasons:

For what I could do or offer,

For who people thought I was,

For who I thought I was,

For when I was agreeable—

The list goes on.

Although loving and being loved are great blessings,

The love I had known,

That with which I loved others,

And that with which they loved me,

Was far from perfect,

Failing again and again even with good intentions.

But then You came.

Well, the truth is,

You have always been here.


“Before the foundation of the world,”

You whispered to me.

But it wasn't until I let You in,

That I learned of true love—

Not from reading or hearing about it,

But from being showered in it,

From living in it, day and night.

Oh, and this one thing always gets me:

That You looked at me, thought about me—

Me who’s imperfect, self-righteous,

Naturally rebellious,

And with absolutely nothing to offer—

And You said, "you are to die for."

Oh, what a love!

So, to my Bridegroom King Jesus:

Thank you for Your relentless, redeeming love—

A love that spares nothing to make itself fully known,

A love that loves so completely with no reserve,

And so entirely, permeating every space and dimension to satisfy the longing heart.

You said, "you are to die for,"

And You went and died for me indeed.

And then You came back to life,

With my freedom and wholeness in hand.

To this, I have one response:

I am forever Yours.

How could I not live for the One who died for me?

For You have won my life and heart fair and square.


Even before He made the world, God loved us and chose us in Christ to be holy and without fault in His eyes. Eph 1:4

"For the mountains may move and the hills disappear, but even then my faithful love for you will remain. My covenant of blessing will never be broken,” says the LORD, who has mercy on you. Isaiah 54:10


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